This is little Cali, she's two years old and lives in Menton and is, as you see, getting a cut and blow dry at the Salon de Toilettage near to the market.
PUPPIES PARK is - Pet Place offers puppies information, cute puppy pictures, and dogs breeding, dogs training tips in our comprehensive puppies area.
Monday, November 30, 2009
Cali at the Coiffeur
This is little Cali, she's two years old and lives in Menton and is, as you see, getting a cut and blow dry at the Salon de Toilettage near to the market.
Friday, November 27, 2009
Maggie the Model
Wednesday, November 25, 2009
Gorda - the dog from the past...
Gorda was born in Italy and lived there for much of her life. Now she lives with her owner's mother. She's got some spinal/incontinence problems that are mostly solved with medication.
Funnily enough years ago I used to look after an OES puppy called Gorda, who belonged to an Italian guy in Monte Carlo --- I wonder if it's the same Gorda? It was about eight or nine years ago so the timeline works. I wish I'd thought of it and asked.
P.S. I found this old snapshot of Gorda as a puppy - taken in 2001. I think it's her! Don't you?
Tuesday, November 24, 2009
Yorkie Puppy Pictures
Yorkie Puppy Pictures
I enjoyed collecting these Yorkie Puppy Pictures. Hope you like them too!Day 4: Wicket by star5112 [photo credit:]
Yorkie Puppy Yawn by Triple Tri [photo credit:]
I'm Cute by regeniabrabham [photo credit:]
Cocoro by tanakawho [photo credit:]
Bath Time by regeniabrabham [photo credit:]
Yorkie Puppy Pictures
Sunday, November 22, 2009
Yikes ! What is that ?!?!
Make sure you check under your dog bed before laying down. Scary things are everywhere.
Be safe.
crap dogs NW3 style
Chloe - à la mode
Chloe was walking around Casino Square yesterday. Well, no, I'll rephrase that - Chloe was being carried around Casino Square. A 4 year old Min.Pin who lives in Monaco.
Seems to me that Min Pins are getting very à la mode lately - along with Yorkies and Chihuahuas.
The touch of red you glimpse in the background is from the flags on display throughout the Principality for Monaco's National Day. Click on the link to see more.
Friday, November 20, 2009
5 Ways to Keep Your Puppy Busy
Puppy Zone Station International
If you have a puppy it is important to keep their minds active and to keep them as busy as possible if you want them to be well behaved and have a positive upbringing. There are various things which you can do to keep your puppy busy and here you will find the five best ways to do it.
The Five Most Successful Ways of Keeping Your Puppy Busy
The top five most successful ways of keeping your puppy busy include:
•Find a Toy
•Hide and Seek
•High Jump
•Bar Jump
All of the above will help to keep your puppies mind active and that in turn will keep them out of trouble and they will also bond with you.
Grooming is an important part of any dog’s life and whilst some dogs need more grooming than others, it is important to groom any dog no matter what their breed, at least once a day. It is always better to start grooming your puppy as soon as possible in order to get them used to it.
Another thing that grooming does as well as keeping the dog clean, is it bonds owner and dog and it also gets them used to physical contact. This is especially important if you want to show your dog.
Find a Toy
The find a toy game is fun and it really does use your puppy’s mind. The puppy will learn to use smells more directly and again this can be useful, especially to breeds such as the Bloodhound for example.
In order to play the game you will need to start by keeping the puppy on a lead and tying it to a chair or something similar. Have a few different objects with you and allow the puppy to watch you as you place each one down on the floor. Next get the puppy’s favorite toy and let them see that too as well as smell it. Next untie the lead discreetly, throw the toy over by the other objects and tell the puppy to fetch. As soon as they do praise them to let them know that they did the right thing. You will notice that the more that you do this game, the more the puppy will get used to picking out their toy and that is when you can start to change things around a little and introduce more objects for them to pick out.
Hide and Seek
The hide and seek game is another fun and bonding exercise which you can do with your puppy. It basically teaches the puppy to come to you so it is educational as well as fun.
Basically you start off by telling your puppy to sit and then stay. Next go and hide behind whatever you can and wait a few seconds before calling the dog to you. They should quickly and easily find you and as soon as they do praise them excitedly and tell them how good that they are. Every time that you play the game you should aim to make it a little more difficult in order to challenge your puppy’s mind.
The High Jump and the Bar Jump
Teaching your puppy to jump will give them good fitness and also keep their mind active. In the beginning you should simply just walk over the jump and try to see if that works. If not then you can always place the puppy on one side of the jump and you go on the other before calling them to you. As soon as your puppy jumps over the jump, praise them excitedly and let them know that they did the right thing. As they get older you may want to higher the jump so that it will be more challenging.
The bar jump is basically the same as the high jump but the bar starts at the very bottom of the jump which makes it a lot easier to jump over. The idea is to raise the jump after each session.
So those are the top five ways to keep your puppy entertained. Hopefully they will help you and always remember to praise the puppy every time that they do something right and let them know that what they did was the right thing.
By Puppy Zone Station Indonesia
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If you have a puppy it is important to keep their minds active and to keep them as busy as possible if you want them to be well behaved and have a positive upbringing. There are various things which you can do to keep your puppy busy and here you will find the five best ways to do it.
The Five Most Successful Ways of Keeping Your Puppy Busy
The top five most successful ways of keeping your puppy busy include:
•Find a Toy
•Hide and Seek
•High Jump
•Bar Jump
All of the above will help to keep your puppies mind active and that in turn will keep them out of trouble and they will also bond with you.
Grooming is an important part of any dog’s life and whilst some dogs need more grooming than others, it is important to groom any dog no matter what their breed, at least once a day. It is always better to start grooming your puppy as soon as possible in order to get them used to it.
Another thing that grooming does as well as keeping the dog clean, is it bonds owner and dog and it also gets them used to physical contact. This is especially important if you want to show your dog.
Find a Toy
The find a toy game is fun and it really does use your puppy’s mind. The puppy will learn to use smells more directly and again this can be useful, especially to breeds such as the Bloodhound for example.
In order to play the game you will need to start by keeping the puppy on a lead and tying it to a chair or something similar. Have a few different objects with you and allow the puppy to watch you as you place each one down on the floor. Next get the puppy’s favorite toy and let them see that too as well as smell it. Next untie the lead discreetly, throw the toy over by the other objects and tell the puppy to fetch. As soon as they do praise them to let them know that they did the right thing. You will notice that the more that you do this game, the more the puppy will get used to picking out their toy and that is when you can start to change things around a little and introduce more objects for them to pick out.
Hide and Seek
The hide and seek game is another fun and bonding exercise which you can do with your puppy. It basically teaches the puppy to come to you so it is educational as well as fun.
Basically you start off by telling your puppy to sit and then stay. Next go and hide behind whatever you can and wait a few seconds before calling the dog to you. They should quickly and easily find you and as soon as they do praise them excitedly and tell them how good that they are. Every time that you play the game you should aim to make it a little more difficult in order to challenge your puppy’s mind.
The High Jump and the Bar Jump
Teaching your puppy to jump will give them good fitness and also keep their mind active. In the beginning you should simply just walk over the jump and try to see if that works. If not then you can always place the puppy on one side of the jump and you go on the other before calling them to you. As soon as your puppy jumps over the jump, praise them excitedly and let them know that they did the right thing. As they get older you may want to higher the jump so that it will be more challenging.
The bar jump is basically the same as the high jump but the bar starts at the very bottom of the jump which makes it a lot easier to jump over. The idea is to raise the jump after each session.
So those are the top five ways to keep your puppy entertained. Hopefully they will help you and always remember to praise the puppy every time that they do something right and let them know that what they did was the right thing.
By Puppy Zone Station Indonesia
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Thursday, November 19, 2009
Cute French Bulldog Video
Ultra Cute French Bulldog Puppies Video
The screenshot alone lets you know this is going to be sooooooo cute! This is a great video because of the surprise towards the end... Mama and another cute french bulldog puppy appears! Definitely a must-see!
3 Types Of Cute Puppies Pictures
3 Types of Cute Puppies Pictures That Make Our Heart Melt
Personally, I think all puppies pictures are gifts. A picture captures a moment in a puppy's life, and as any dog owner will tell you, EVERY moment they spend with their lively puppy is beautiful and magical. Still, here are three kinds of puppies pictures that deserve special mention. I'll explain why I think so below.
1. Puppies In A Funny Sleeping Position Pictures
Puppies are so full of energy and always moving around, that it can be hard to take a focused picture of them. Plus, it's not always possible to play with them and take a photo at the same time. Hence, sometimes, it's just easier to photograph the chubby angels while they're sleeping. It's satisfying and amusing to catch them in an adorable sleeping position. (perhaps we sleep in funny positions too, but no one finds it funny enough to take a photo.)
2. Puppies Action Pictures
As I've mentioned in point one, taking an action shot takes some skill. And for those of us who don't dabble in photography, it requires luck. This is the reason I think action shots are particularly valuable. It brings puppies to life for me.
3. Puppies Playing Dress-Up Pictures
I like this type of puppies pictures because an outfit can bring more color into a photograph and make the photo more interesting. It also tells me more about the owner and even the puppy him or herself. Some puppies are particular about what clothes they'll allow you to put on them!
I've only mentioned 3 kinds of puppies pictures in this article. Yet, there are so many more types. Perhaps I'll share more about this in another post. In the meantime, I just need to say thanks again to all the people who share their puppies photos online because it brings such joy to my heart. :)
Cappuccino anyone?
I posted two different photographs of Lou on Monte Carlo Daily Photo today but had to show her to you here as well.
This is Lou, the French bulldog who belongs to Mister Brian - owner of Monaco's best known delicatessen. They are taking a coffee by the port - or rather Lou is allowed to taste Mister Brian's cappuccino - off the spoon, of course. Not that Brian would mind sharing the cup with Lou - he's besotted.
Lou is celebrated in Monaco - she's appeared in a book about the Principality and if you saw Piers Morgan's television programme you will have seen him interview Mister Brian - and Lou.
And remember when Lou was stolen? If not, you can read about it by clicking on the link.
Monday, November 16, 2009
Wot, No Sheep in Monte Carlo?
Yuna is a 5 year old smooth-coat Border Collie and wasn't remotely interested in having her photo taken. Despite my making all sorts of fascinating noises, she mostly turned her head away as you see in the smaller photo. I expect she was dreaming of hills and sheep, not Monte Carlo ladies and their smart clothes. Yuna was on holiday but normally lives in Trieste.
Friday, November 13, 2009
Meet Shelby, a tiny Yorkie, and 15 months of age. She lives in Antibes. Her owner told me Shelby is her fifth Yorkie, or did she say her seventh. I forget. So often when we love a particular breed, there is no other for us. Don't you love Shelby's matching bow and blanket.
Note - in the background of the smaller photo you can see Monte Carlo's famous casino.
Thursday, November 12, 2009
Well, you'd give a strange look if someone took your photo whilst you were taking a pee...
Jarvis is a wire-haired dachshund from South Africa, staying on the French Riviera, prior to coming to the UK with his sister, Tallulah.
You can see the dog who lives on a boat on Monte Carlo Daily Photo today.
Tuesday, November 10, 2009
Buzz plus Bone
Monday, November 9, 2009
'Ears Lookin' at ME!
Every single day I go for a walk with my person and one of my brothers. Sometimes I go with my Labrabrother, Pyewackett, and sometimes I go with my super-cool Pibblebrother, Piggly Wiggly. It's so cool to go for a walk with my brothers.
Today I was walkin with my Labrabrother and here's a movie of me. My person was laughing at my shadow...But I don't really know why. I was just looking around at everything and sometimes when I look at stuff my ears make funny shapes.
I don't try to make funny shapes with my ears, you know. It's just that when I'm thinking real hard or when I hear something new or if I see a squirrel or something my ears move all around like they want to know what's going on, too.
Lots of people have told me that my ears are one of the things that make me so special and that they make lots of people happy.
I like walking with my brothers. And I like being special and making people happy.
Jhumpa Jones
Today I was walkin with my Labrabrother and here's a movie of me. My person was laughing at my shadow...But I don't really know why. I was just looking around at everything and sometimes when I look at stuff my ears make funny shapes.
I don't try to make funny shapes with my ears, you know. It's just that when I'm thinking real hard or when I hear something new or if I see a squirrel or something my ears move all around like they want to know what's going on, too.
Lots of people have told me that my ears are one of the things that make me so special and that they make lots of people happy.
I like walking with my brothers. And I like being special and making people happy.
Jhumpa Jones
Saturday, November 7, 2009
'Don't Mess with ME!'
Friday, November 6, 2009
More About
More About
Hi! and Welcome to
I originally created this photoblog to help myself cope with the death of my beloved pet hamster, Hammu.
Although it might seem strange to others that I chose to create a blog full of puppies pictures, instead of hamsters, I did it partly because, for awhile, it was tough for me to look at other hamsters. I'd tear up whenever I saw one.
So, I decided to compile these cute puppies pictures to cheer myself up and to remind myself of all the love we've shared together with Hammu. He'll always be my special first Roborovski hamster.
I sincerely wish for all pet owners to have as many happy times with their pets as possible.
Lots of Love,
Luvena Lim
Dogs Puppies Pictures
Dogs Puppies Pictures
There's an abundance of dogs puppies pictures on the Internet. I usually choose the pictures that have a nice description - a story to tell. I guess it's because I feel a greater connection to the dogs and puppies, since I know just that little bit more about them. :) In this collection, Baby Grizzly is a rescued pup and there's a runt of the litter as well.
'Jody_Pups_1_day_old' by Santanartist [photocredit:]
'Baby Grizzly' by var resa [photocredit:]
'The Runt Of The Litter' by bob235 [photocredit:] - A friend found a litter of puppies and took two of them in. They are Border Collie/Chow mixes.
'Litter Of Puppies' by Close to Spectacular [photocredit:]
'Ouch!' by Willow&Monk [photocredit:] - they're so cute tumbling around asking for love and affection!
Dogs Puppies Pictures
Funny Puppies Pictures
Funny Puppies Pictures
Actually, I find almost all puppies really cute and funny. But here are some extra funny puppies pictures that will definitely make you smile. :)'Bidu The Cutest Puppie' by Blackangel [photocredit:]
'A Few Pieces Of Pepperoni Later...' by ginnerobot [photocredit:] - a winning smile!
'Wee Westie Squinting' by Randy son of Robert [photocredit:]
'At The Petshop' by Rubyran [photocredit:]
'Taffy Tongue' by Justin Donnelly [photo credits:]
Funny Puppies Pictures - Funny Puppy Pictures
Close Encounters of the Two-Feet Kind

Guest photographer today! John Carroll follows Riviera Dogs and kindly sent me this photograph taken in Peyriac de Mer - not technically the Riviera but in France and on the Mediterranean so we'll cheat and call this little Yorkie a Riviera Dog. Peyriac de Mer is in the Languedoc-Roussillon.
Don't you love the mixture of feet here and John's title.
Take a look at talented photographer, John's website Winding Road Photography. Thanks John.
Thursday, November 5, 2009
Cute Basset Puppies Pictures
Cute Basset Puppies Pictures
Here are some cute basset puppies pictures! They took some time to find. But I'm glad I found these photos that I'm pleased with. Didn't want to cave and end up posting Basset Hound Dogs instead of puppies... Would be such a cop-out. So, I'm glad I found these. Thanks so much to these owners for sharing them!
'Argh ... I'm A Basset Puppy' by Jelly Dude [photocredit:]
'Nova membra da família (Basset Hound)' by Anderson [photocredits:] - Don't you just feel like cheering him up?
'Cara de quem caiu do caminhão...' by Anderson Nascimento [photocredits:] - such a cutie
'The Great Lulu Knuckles' by adobemac [photocredit:] - a basset hound puppy at 8 weeks Innerarity Point, Florida
'Little Carl' by Heather_n_Guy [photocredit:] - basset hound at about 4 months
Cute Basset Puppies Pictures - funny basset hound puppies with soulful eyes.
Bulldog Puppies Pictures
Bulldog Puppies Pictures
Beautiful Bulldog Puppies Pictures! Bulldogs are so cute, funny looking and oh-so-cuddly! Don't you wish you could take all of them home? :)'Wot You Looking At?' by Clar@bell - pup at 5 weeks old [photocredit:]
'My new puppy - 10.5.07' by Michael248 [photocredit:]
'Hey Bulldog' - Bordreaux, an English Bulldog puppy rescued from an European puppy mill by brykmantra [photocredit:]
'Bluto The Miniature Bulldog Puppy' - who looks like a bigger and meatier shape and size of a kaiser roll by madmolecule [photo credit:]
'Sweet, Cute, Funny Bulldog Puppies Litter' by Clar@bell [photo credit:]
Bulldog Puppies Pictures - Newborn Bulldog Puppies look like hamsters or little piglets!
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