Friday, October 31, 2008

three crap dogs

These cowering incompetents in the field of dogdom were spotted tied to a bench outside a Glasgow deli. The rain adds to their misery.

Wednesday, October 29, 2008

Altesse, the Market Dog

Altesse, (Highness in English) the Brittany spaniel lives in the Var and once a week, on a Friday, comes to Menton to sit with her owner at the antique fair there. Such an alert and intelligent look.

Monday, October 27, 2008

crap ewok

No - wait - it's a dog.

game face crap dog

"...when he confronts an adversary, a starkly different John McCain can emerge, fired up with certainty for an all-or-nothing battle. “I am going to win this thing and you are going to have to run me over to defeat me,” said former Senator Bob Kerrey, a Democrat close to Mr. McCain, explaining his friend’s attitude. “It is a face that makes his opponent think, ‘I don’t know if I want to get my nose bloodied by this guy.’ ”"

Happy Halloween

I went to my first costume party this past Saturday. It was Great ! The nice folks at Oakland Animal Services did a fantastic job putting on this event. Everyone really liked the cool costume Aunt Roxanne made for me. It was a hit, but not as big as HonkyTonk from BADRAP and his chair jumping tricks, or the great show Paco from Paco Collars put on. Those guys are pros.

If you are ever in the Oakland area, please stop in and say "Hi" to all the nice folks, and visit all the great critters waiting for a home. Tell them Jonny sent you. Better yet, don't just say "Hi ", take one home !

Wishing everyone a fun, safe, and tail wagging Halloween !


Sunday, October 26, 2008


Another dog sitting patiently with her owner waiting for the Blessing on the Animals in Menton. I don't know if she is a Boxer, a Mastiff, or a mix of the two. In the first photo she looks to be a boxer, in the second, that width of jaw and longer muzzle, she looks a mastiff. Anyone an idea?

I don't know her name - just loved that she sat so patiently with no lead - waiting - and such an intense expression as if she knew every word that was being said.

PS: Thanks 'Anonymous' who thinks she is a Dogue de Bordeaux and I totally agree.

Saturday, October 25, 2008


Chanelle has the right name, doesn't she? She seems to go with her owner's beautiful jewellry. Chanelle is 3 year old, lives in Menton and was sitting on her owner's lap waiting for the Blessing of the Animals held near to the Sablettes beach. More dogs who were there - tomorrow.

Tuesday, October 21, 2008

Learning to Relax

This time last year was the beginning of my life as a free dog. Tim had come and lifted me down from my kennel and we had all loaded up into the big RV for the long journey to California. When Tim asked me to leave the kennel, I was kind of nervous because I had lived in that one small place for so long without leaving. I was excited, too, because I knew he was really nice from when I met him when he came to see me and Hector and Jhumpa and our other friends in September. Today a year ago, I was learning about the outside again and running around on a long line with Nicole and Steve.

This year has been really busy and I have learned lots of new things. I have seen my picture in newspapers and magazines and on the computer. I have even become a Canine Good Citizen and got my very own family with a beautiful big sister to hang out with and two cats to jump over.

To celebrate my one year anniversary as a free dog I am learning something new. I am learning how to relax. My people have been telling me to relax for a long time, usually when I am being really really bouncy and re-organizing the furniture by throwing myself at it, but now I am learning what "relax" really means. We have taken a little time off from training classes and we have been going for long walks and playing "keep the ball away from the people" a lot. I am definitely enjoying this laid back life. I like relaxing, so long as there is lots of fun stuff to do.


How would you like this doggy sitting on your lap?! Meet Yorek, a Saint Bernard puppy of 8 months - yes, just a pup and already weighing 72 kilos.

You can see his meeting with yesterday's bull terrier, Nanou in the middle photo.

Monday, October 20, 2008


Nanou is a bull terrier of 15 months. Just after I took this photograph he met a Saint Bernard - come back tomorrow and you'll meet Yorek.

Nanou comes from Genoa in Italy.

Sunday, October 19, 2008

Life is better with a little Jhumpa in it!!

Hi, all! I'm Jhumpa...

Because I don't have fingers, my person is helping me type this. Cool, huh? I mean, how many pit bulls have a person who will help them type? I guess that's a great way to introduce my situation: I'm just like Jonny Justice, Uba, Hector, Teddles, and the rest of my "family" - I've found an amazing place to live (in New York state) and sometimes I still can't believe it. One day, about a month after I came to live here, my person started crying and said that she was crying because she saw me "smile" for the first time. I still don't know what the heck she was crying about, especially since I was so happy. Humans never cease to confuse me...

Anyway, since I came to live with my new family (eight months ago), every day has been a new adventure. My person and I go to school every week and I have already graduated from basic agility and basic obedience. That agility thing is so cool - Did you know that we're allowed to jump on tables when we're doing agility? And that I can even get a hot dog for just "sitting" in obedience!? What a great gig! And as if this isn't cool enough, at home I get to live with a whole bunch of other animals! I have three big brothers (a pit bull, a lab and a westie), and a big sister (bull terrier/pitty mix). I also have five cats. One of my cats, Clarence, is really cross-eyed and it is really fun to play with him because he can't really tell where I am when I'm jumping all around. The other day when we were tearing up the house, Clarence smacked me in the face and now I have a funny mark on my nose. It didn't really hurt but my person made a funny face when she looked at it and said something about "wolverine". Maybe she will post a picture so you can decide for yourself...
Everyone who meets me says I'm really cute and most people think I'm still a puppy (even though I'm all grown up). Lots of people want to pet and hug and squeeze me but I am still a little worried about being squeezed by strangers. But wouldn't you be? I mean, seriously!!
Anyway, I better get to bed. I have to get up early to be sure that my person gets her daily walk, otherwise she can get out of control. And noone wants that :)
Thanks for having me! I will be sure to be in touch soon!!!!!!

Friday, October 17, 2008

An Old Friend

Recently, I have been in contact with an old friend, Jhumpa Jones. She came from the same yard as the rest of us, but stayed on the East Coast after being released from custody.

I am very glad you could join us. Here's to the future Jhumpa Jones, it's all blue sky from here.


I'm going to the Doctor!

I love going to the doctor. There's lots going on, everybody is busy just like me, people are friendly, and so far, I haven't been poked or prodded too terribly much. But this next doctor visit is a big one. I overheard people talking about my knees. Yeah, they hurt sometimes. I have grade three luxating patellas, but you wouldn't know it by looking at me. But, I'm not allowed to jump in and out of the truck, run like a maniac, leap for a flirt pole or stuffy toy, throw myself down the stairs (I'm always in a hurry you know). But, maybe, just maybe, this doctor can help me.

If he can, I promise to get serious about my obedience training and who knows, maybe I can run through that pink tunnel more. My housemate was an agility competitor, took a high in standard at the CPE Agility Nationals back in 2006 (I think that was before I was even born) and I really want to be just like her when I grow up.

S0 wish me luck. My appointment is November 11 and I just can't wait!


The second Welsh Terrier on Riviera Dogs.

Gucci is an adorable, naughty Welsh Terrier puppy - he's 7 months old with not a nasty bone in his body. Loves every one, loves other dogs, just wants to play. One high energy bundle.

Wednesday, October 15, 2008


Lara simply wouldn't keep still so I'm sorry her foreface is rather fuzzy. And she's the old lady! Lara is a 12 year old Welsh Terrier who lives with Yelka, who you met yesterday - also in the lower photograph. Welsh terriers obviously have energy to spare all their lives. Taken in the pedestrian street in Menton.

Tuesday, October 14, 2008


Yelka, a beautiful 17 month Airedale terrier. She lives with her American owner in Luxembourg alongside an older Welsh terrier, which we'll see tomorrow. Here she is walking in Menton.

Sunday, October 12, 2008

crap beardie dog

George here is the pride and joy of his owner, no doubt due to his submissive ear-raising habit. He's also trying to gaze attentively at her for instructions, but his eyes can't quite manage it. 


A beautiful Leonberger in Menton. She's 3 years old and her family moved to Menton only one month ago - they live in the Old Town.

Saturday, October 11, 2008

Sweetie Pie

This is Sweetie Pie at the toilettage before her haircut. She lives in Menton and belongs to an English lady.

Tuesday, October 7, 2008


Coquinne was holidaying in Menton from Cologne in Germany. She's 5 years old and suffers from a condition where the eye is always dry and so she needs daily eye-drops - for life. Her owner said she is also rather hard of hearing.

So a couple of problems for this lovely Cavalier but isn't she beautiful. I love that soft sweep of jaw.


Sometimes you look at a dog and think you know the mix. Now this one has Corgi ears, doesn't she? Or so I thought. Her owner tho, who lives in Rome and was on holiday in Menton tells me she is a mix of a Bassett and a Pinscher.

Betty 6 years old. Look at the hearts on her collar and lead - one adored dog.

Monday, October 6, 2008

crap dog of unidentified breed

This crap dog has consented to be carted round in a buggy,  an form of transportation beneath the contempt of self-respecting toddlers.

crap Yorkshire terrier

This crap Yorkie, spotted in Antibes, has consented to be strapped into a harness like a toddler. 

Sunday, October 5, 2008


Meet Dolly, a two month old English setter puppy. She lives in Gorbio village, near to Menton. She attracted lots of attention as she was carried around the village during the recent Fête de la Branda - the annual festival that celebrates the distilling of eau de vie or Grappa.

How adorable is she!

Saturday, October 4, 2008


Isn't she gorgeous. This is Sandy, a mix from Milan in Italy. She's 4 years old. She was in a refuge before her family found her. Lucky dog, lucky family. Don't you love her beautiful eyes.

In these photographs she was walking around Menton with her owners.

Thursday, October 2, 2008


This 5 year old poodle, who lives in Menton, was being carried around the plant fair that took place a week or so ago.


Meet Pablo, a gorgeous smooth haired dachshund. He lives in San Remo, across the border in Italy. I met him in Menton.

Wednesday, October 1, 2008

crap cottonwool ball

My spies are everywhere. No driveway is safe from their unblinking gaze. No driveways are safe from the unblinking gazes of crap dogs like this either. 

Tess or Nina?

See yesterday's posting - is this Tess or Nina?