Tuesday, November 3, 2009

Feeding New Born Puppies Pictures

Feeding New Born Puppies Pictures

Feeding New Born Puppies Pictures. The birth of new life is a miracle. I really appreciate these owners for sharing such beautiful moments. :)

'Joey's Mom And The New Puppies' by FlyNutAA [photo credit:http://www.flickr.com/photos/gcourbis/3616593152/] - found this photo especially authentic & beautiful with the lighting and mum's expression.

From Feeding New Born Puppies Pictures

'Sucking The Tit Just After Birth' by auteur [photo credit: http://www.flickr.com/photos/auteur/1314795963/] - I chose this shot because it looks and feels so intimate. What an amazing puppy to be able to suckle immediately!

From Feeding New Born Puppies Pictures

'Mommy Feeding The Pups' by sunsets_for_you [photo credit: http://www.flickr.com/photos/amatuer_44060/2463164014/] - I've a soft-spot for pugs. Isn't this mum so cute by sticking her tongue out? She's a Hot Mama!

From Feeding New Born Puppies Pictures

'My First Breakfast' by ElBosco [photo credit: http://www.flickr.com/photos/elbosco/124562277/] - this little pup's mum wasn't feeling well so he had to be helped to feed. Very sweet photo. So glad ElBosco decided to share this.

From Feeding New Born Puppies Pictures

'Lily And Pups' by Michael248 [photo credit: http://www.flickr.com/photos/do-it_do-it-now/1801780150/]

From Feeding New Born Puppies Pictures

Feeding New Born Puppies Pictures - Witnessing The Miracle Of Life!

To see more new born puppies pictures, go to http://puppiespictures.blogspot.com/2009/11/new-born-puppies-pictures.html

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