Monday, June 8, 2009

Code of keeping dogs

1. In your home with me, please remember that I am about 10-15 years of life; abandon me will is my greatest pain
2. Please give me some time, let me know of your request is.
3. Believe me --- it is very important to me.
4. Please do not angry to me for too long, do not locked me as punishment. You have your work, your entertainment, your friends. But you are my only.
5. Please speak with me, even if I do not know what you said, but I can understand, it is your voice in the accompany me.
6. You know no matter how you treat me, I will never forget.
7. When you hit me please remember that I actually have a sharp teeth, I just choose not to bite
8. Before you scold me because of the uncooperative, obstinate or lazy, please think about whether something is being disturbed me. Perhaps I should get the food, I have not a long time under the sun running Or my heart has been too weak and too old.
9. In my old age, please take good care of me. Because you also become old.
10. When I have to endure the most difficult course, please do not say: "because sad. I do not want to see it". As long as you with me together, all things will simple, easy to accept. you should never forget that I love you

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