As is obvious, these are street dogs - meaning they belong to an 'sdf' (which stands for
sans domicile fixe = no fixed abode) Unfortunately, since I met these dogs, they've been stolen. But let's start at the beginning....
I met them outside Marche U, a supermarket in Roquebrune. The one on the left is Capsule - she's a Dobermann crossed with a German Short-haired Pointer and she's 18 months old. She came from the refuge in Ventimiglia, just across the Italian border.
The big boy is Carnage and he's three and a half and he's a mix of a Dogue de Bordeaux and Bull Mastiff.
I took the photos on the 25th June and hadn't yet got around to putting them on Riviera Dogs but a couple of days ago had an email from a friend of the owner to say, they'd been stolen from him in Nice and could I send her the photographs to use in trying to get them back.

Some people I know won't be happy to see any dog living in the street but you can at least see they are not thin and have a blanket to sleep on. Are they happy? Well, I leave that up to you. At the moment, no one knows where they are. Let's hope they've been picked up by someone who will find them a good home. If I hear, I'll let you know. Probably they've been stolen by another 'sdf' as begging with dogs apparently brings better rewards.
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