Epagneul bleu de Picardie BLUE PICARDY SPANIEL
FCI-Standard N° 106 / 07. 09. 1998 / GB
TRANSLATION : Mrs. Peggy Davis.
ORIGIN : France.
UTILIZATION : Pointing dog.
CLASSIFICATION F.C.I. : Group 7 Pointing Dogs.
Section 1.2 Continental Pointing Dogs; « Spaniel » type.
With working trial.
Section 1.2 Continental Pointing Dogs; « Spaniel » type.
With working trial.
GENERAL APPEARANCE : Quite low to the ground dog, well built for the job. General appearance on the whole, a true Picardy Spaniel.
Skull : Oval, relatively wide without prominent parietal bones, occipital crest slightly visible.
Stop : Moderately accentuated but marked.
Skull : Oval, relatively wide without prominent parietal bones, occipital crest slightly visible.
Stop : Moderately accentuated but marked.
Nose : Broad, well open nostrils.
Muzzle : Long and quite broad.
Lips : Wide and pendulous forming a distinctly square muzzle.
Eyes : Calm expression; eyes dark, large, well open.
Leathers : Must be set slightly above the eye level, quite thick, framing the head; beautiful wavy silky hair; the leather stretched in its length must reach the tip of the muzzle.
Nose : Broad, well open nostrils.
Muzzle : Long and quite broad.
Lips : Wide and pendulous forming a distinctly square muzzle.
Eyes : Calm expression; eyes dark, large, well open.
Leathers : Must be set slightly above the eye level, quite thick, framing the head; beautiful wavy silky hair; the leather stretched in its length must reach the tip of the muzzle.
NECK : Well set. A slight dewlap is permitted.
Back and loin : Not too long, well sustained.
Croup : Rather a little falling away.
Chest : Of medium depth.
Ribs : Harmoniously sprung and descending to elbow level.
Back and loin : Not too long, well sustained.
Croup : Rather a little falling away.
Chest : Of medium depth.
Ribs : Harmoniously sprung and descending to elbow level.
TAIL : Not extending too much beyond the hock and definitely without a hook.
Shoulder and upper arm : Slightly oblique.
Forearm : Strong and well muscled.
Forefoot : Round, a little broad but not flat, well furnished with hair in between tightly closed toes.
Shoulder and upper arm : Slightly oblique.
Forearm : Strong and well muscled.
Forefoot : Round, a little broad but not flat, well furnished with hair in between tightly closed toes.
Upper thighs : Well muscled.
Lower thighs : Long and furnished with profuse fringes.
Hocks : Bent without exaggeration and furnished with fringes from the hock to the foot.
Hind foot : Round, a little broad but not flat, well furnished with hair in between tightly closed toes.
Upper thighs : Well muscled.
Lower thighs : Long and furnished with profuse fringes.
Hocks : Bent without exaggeration and furnished with fringes from the hock to the foot.
Hind foot : Round, a little broad but not flat, well furnished with hair in between tightly closed toes.
HAIR : Flat; or slightly wavy: legs and tail well furnished with fringes.
COLOUR : Grey black speckled forming a bluish shade, with black patches.
Height at the withers : 57 to 60 cm for the males, a little less for the females.
Height at the withers : 57 to 60 cm for the males, a little less for the females.
FAULTS : Any departure from the foregoing points should be considered a fault and the seriousness with which the fault should be regarded should be in exact proportion to its degree.
Skull : Too narrow-lacking chiselling.
Muzzle : Pointed.
Eye : Light and too small.
Leather : Short, set too high and too thin.
Chest : Ribs too flat or too round.
Foot : Flat, splayed or too broad.
Any dog clearly showing physical or behavioural abnormalities shall be disqualified.
Skull : Too narrow-lacking chiselling.
Muzzle : Pointed.
Eye : Light and too small.
Leather : Short, set too high and too thin.
Chest : Ribs too flat or too round.
Foot : Flat, splayed or too broad.
Any dog clearly showing physical or behavioural abnormalities shall be disqualified.
N.B. : Male animals should have two apparently normal testicles fully descended into the scrotum.
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