Tuesday, November 3, 2009

Labrador Puppies Pictures

Labrador Puppies Pictures

Here are some irresistable adorable Labrador Puppies Pictures! This photogroup includes labrador puppies in different colors - golden brown, black, white and coffeebrown. No matter what color these Labrador Puppies are, they're such a joy to look at... Enjoy!

[Special Note: This group of photos was especially meaningful to compile because one of the photos, the one by Martin Kuo, links to a site called www.labradorfriends.com.

Labrador Friends of the South (LFS) is an incorporated, 501(c)(3) non-profit organization dedicated to the rescue and adoption of homeless Labrador Retrievers in the Southeast region. To see how you can open your heart and help these beautiful labradors, do visit their site at www.labradorfriends.com.]

'Tango In the Snow' by theilr [photo credit: http://www.flickr.com/photos/theilr/2247341601/]

From Labrador Puppies Pictures

'My Welly!' by estoril [photo credit: http://www.flickr.com/photos/estoril/2288608868/]

From Labrador Puppies Pictures

'Labrador Puppy Afternoon' by millicent_bystander [photo credit: http://www.flickr.com/photos/msciba/2878342479/in/photostream/ ]

From Labrador Puppies Pictures

'Smiling Labrador Face'

From Labrador Puppies Pictures

'Labrador Puppy In Pocket' by Marvin Kuo [photo credit: http://www.flickr.com/photos/marvinkuo/3520054809/] This photo is for a good cause. To see how you can help rescue labrador puppies in the south, visit www.labradorfriends.com.

From Labrador Puppies Pictures

Labrador Puppies Pictures are the cutest!

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