Friday, July 3, 2009

Nursemaid for a day.

One morning mom got up very early and took my new sister to have something done called "being spayed".  I don't know what dat is but when my sister came back, she was verrry sleepy and wouldn't play with me. 

So, to make her feel better I started cleaning her.  Sister likes when I do dat.

All of a sudden she woke up and started cleaning me! 

"Hey, wait!  Sis, I'm da one taking care of you remember?!  Now be still, so I can clean you!"

 OK, what's wrong with dis picture?!  Your not..... (Whats dat big word?),                         CO-WOPPERATING!

Geez! Being a nursemaid is hard work!

"Sigh" Sister's!  You can't live with dem and their too much fun to live without! 

~Love Frodo~

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