Mojito is the little one. He's a Coton de Tuleur and lives in Antibes. Gator is the big boy and he lives in Monaco. You met Gator once before HERE. Gator is a GoldenDoodle, a breed created for people with allergies. He's also an American Service Dog which meant he was allowed to fly in the cabin from Florida to Nice.
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Monday, December 28, 2009
Little and Large
Mojito is the little one. He's a Coton de Tuleur and lives in Antibes. Gator is the big boy and he lives in Monaco. You met Gator once before HERE. Gator is a GoldenDoodle, a breed created for people with allergies. He's also an American Service Dog which meant he was allowed to fly in the cabin from Florida to Nice.
Saturday, December 26, 2009
The Begging Aid
Wednesday, December 23, 2009
Paws for a Hero
Demo is so cool in the story and saves the day so he's a hero for the people in the book. I learned that being a hero is cool cause it means that the things you do make people's hearts smile, so they must be good things. Then I learned that the Demo in the book is a real-live dog and that made the story even better and made Demo even more of a hero. This is a drawing of Demo - Isn't he the cutest???:
One day my person talked to Demo's person, Jon, and Jon had a really awesome idea. He asked if I would put my paw on some ink and then put it on a Demo book as part of a contest. Jon also asked my siblings Jonny Justice, Uba and Hector to put their paws on the books, and told us that Demo would put his paw on too for the contest.
I LOVED this idea cause I thought it would be so much fun to put my paw on the ink and I could be really silly when I was doing it and then maybe someone might really like to see my paw on the book. So me and my person put my paw on the ink and then on the book!!!!
Here's the link to a video of me putting my paw on the book. If you click on the link you will see how it was so awesome and how I was laughing and how my tail was wagging and I hope you laugh and your tail wags, too. The end is my favorite part cause I did a good'll see.
So now you gotta check out Demo's book and look at the contest where you can win one of these cool books with the paws:
Me and Demo and Jonny and Uba and Hector hope you love the book and the contest. And I hope you think Demo is a hero like I do cause we all need a hero who makes our heart smile.
Happy Hero and Merry Holidays.
Love, Jhumpa Jones
Tuesday, December 22, 2009
Anderson, the Market Dog
Sunday, December 20, 2009
Happy Merry Day
Thursday, December 17, 2009
Georgio for Kenzo and Moi...
This post is dedicated to Melissa who lives in Australia. She has two little dogs and this morning photographs of her gorgeous pastels arrived in my mail box. She wrote...
'I like to do pastels and I have a great love of anything French . A couple of years ago I saw the movie Marie Antoinette - the costumes alone were fabulous and the movie was set in Versailles which was something else! So - here are Kenzo and Moi a la' Marie Antoinette! I do serious stuff but .... sometimes I go a little "silly!' I really like Melissa's silly, don't you?!
Monday, December 14, 2009
Dodge, the Flatcoat
Wednesday, December 9, 2009
My Dude

Monday, December 7, 2009
Chips, the street dog
There's quite a community of young guys with dogs, some of whom live around Garavan railway station, near to the Italian border.
This is Chips, who is a Malinois/Staffie mix and is 18 months old. His eyes are closed in the photo - in fact everytime clicked he shut his eyes but the rest of the time they were open. He's well fed, with a comfy bed to lie on whilst his owner hopes for money in his jar.
Take a look at this clip to see a brilliant Golden Retriever surfing with an 'adaptive surfer' - go on, you'll see a great short video. Thanks to Michael J. Rosen.
Sunday, December 6, 2009
I'm always a little wary approaching some of the 'guarding' breeds but Toscane - she is 6 and lives in Menton - although a little wary of me, didn't seem to mind the camera.
Thursday, December 3, 2009
English Setters are such soft, soppy dogs and beautiful, of course.