Friday, April 30, 2010

Neo's Historique Grand Prix of Monaco

Looks fierce, doesn't he? In fact he's a gentle soul. This is Neo, a 5 year old English Staffordshire Bull Terrier who lives in Switzerland with his owner Christophe. Christophe is in Monaco for the Historique Grand Prix with the Fancy Racing Team and their BMW 328. In the smaller photo, Christophe and a friend are looking down on the stands that face the pit lane.

Thursday, April 29, 2010

Puppy Emergency!!!!

Here we are again.  Begging for your help.  ALL of our puppies have managed to contract a new strain of parvo. Our doctors are working feverishly to pull them out of it, but we've already lost 3 of them in the last 24 hours and 5 more are seriously ill.  ALL of these puppies were up to date on routine vaccinations including DHLPP which protects against parvo.  This has hit them fast and hard and nothing we are doing is working.  It is spreading rapidly through all of our puppies and our vet bills are again enormously high.

We need your help!!!  Without the funds to pay the vets, there is no way we can pull these puppies out of it.  We can only help them as far as our funds will take us.  Every little bit helps.

Please consider donating just a small amount to help cover the cost of treatment for these little guys/gals.  You can contribute by donating via Chip-in on our website or blog.  You can also visit our website and make a donation via our donate button.

Rest in peace Bo, Daphny, and Jax.  We're sorry we couldn't pull you through.


Wednesday, April 28, 2010


Choupette lives in Menton. She was sitting on a bench by the sea, blending rather nicely with the colour of the wood. This little bundle is 5 years old and looks as if she's recently been to the coiffeur, don't you think?

Saturday, April 24, 2010

Monaco Dog Show - 'Napszem'

Meet Napszem, a Hungarian Puli youngster of 13 months. He lives in Mougins and was entered at the Monaco Dog Show.

The dog in the smaller photo is an adult version of the same breed, where the coat has been formed into cords, although I'd have thought the cords we see on the rear are perhaps a little too thick. The important thing tho is that the cords are even in size and shape.

The cords will start soon on this puppy and during that time the owner has the most work in guiding their formation.

Thursday, April 22, 2010

The Apricale Dog

We are in Apricale, a medieval hill village in Italy - about 28 kilometres from Menton. This dog is walking down the village pretty quickly and I wasn't fast enough - he's slightly blurry in the main photo but you get the feel of him, I think. A hunting dog, nose down, intent on where he's going.

In the small pic you see me attempting to take his photo - this was taken by the delightful Nathalie from Avignon who was visiting for the weekend.

Monday, April 19, 2010

Frimousse and the Interloper

So there I was photographing this adorable Cavalier King Charles puppy, when up strode the smooth-haired dachshund wanting to know what was going on!

I never did get to ask the name of the dachshund but can tell you that the puppy is called Frimousse and she is a Ruby coloured Cavalier aged 5 months. She was on holiday near to Menton, staying in Tende in the mountains and comes from the north of France.

Saturday, April 17, 2010

Monaco Dog Show - the Meeting

This is a photograph that went onto Monte Carlo Daily Photo the other day but here it is on the 'Dog Blog.' Just as an experiment I changed the ISO setting on the camera to 2000 which has given this grainy effect, rather as if the photo is printed on canvas. Hope you like the moment when these two Shelties met a Pyrenean Mountain Dog.

Thursday, April 15, 2010

I Am Thriving

I overhead her reading last week that PETA claims we former Michael Vick dogs are all dead, or if not dead, then homeless. Did PETA make this assumption just because I haven’t posted here in awhile? Well, here I am. I’m alive, happy, and busy. I’ve got more hobbies than most kids.

And I’m not homeless either. My life is full and my adoptive family adores me. I live in the house with them, I eat well, I go on lots of outings, I know all of my neighbors, I practice my stuff (I’m a performance dog in training), I play hard, and I get my much deserved beauty rest. This month marks the one year anniversary that my orthopedic surgeon gave me the go-ahead to start agility classes. I’m now quite competent on the teeter, I can make crazy entries into the poles, I jump with the grace of a pig-shaped gazelle, and I get happily sucked into agility tunnels.

When I’m not doing all that, I’m vacationing with my family and my buddy Aldo on the coast. I’m thriving and I’m happy. PETA, I’m most definitely not dead.

p.s. oh PETA, you are right about one thing though. I don’t get handouts from under the dinner table. I wish I did.

Monaco Dog Show - the Yorkies

Almost ready to be shown - he just needs those rubber bands removed from his whiskers. Yorkshire Terriers exhibitors always seem to have lots of dogs with them - I suppose it's not so difficult as they are small. So in the small photo we see 'three little ones all in a row' and in the last photo - well this one has given up and gone to sleep!

Tuesday, April 13, 2010


Carmina, this magnificent Great Dane, was competing at the Monaco Dog Show. She's two and a half and lives in Nice. I don't know if she won or not but if majestic, gentle expressions are required, she wins in my book.

Monday, April 12, 2010

I'm a pamperd Pit!

Or at least dats what my mum calls me!  I've pretty much forgotten how scary my life used to be when me and some of my friends lived at dat "mean guys" place.  Now, I get to go for walks, play with my sister and brother, and even go on play-dates with other furry-friends. But bestest of all, I get to sleep under da covers with my mum!  Oh yeah, and dats when she calls me her "snuggle-bunny"!  Geeze, I always tawght I was just a plain ol' Pit Bull.  Who knew I would become all those other tings?!  A wee friend came to stay with me for a wittle bit,  so I tried calling her "my snuggle bunny".  Nope, Nope, snuggle-bunny she was not!  She always chased after me and tried to bite my butt!   So I named her "Dehlila da Piraña".  

But I do hope dat some day, she gets to be a pampered pit just like me! Even if she can be annoying.

~Love Frodo~

Sunday, April 11, 2010

Monaco Dog Show - One plus One

Two beautiful Shetland Sheepdogs at the Monaco Dog Show. Looks of adoration or are they waiting for a biscuit?

Friday, April 9, 2010

Monaco Dog Show - the Azawakh

Monaco holds an International Dog Show each year which takes place in the Circus Tent in Fontvieille. Over the two days of the show (today was the first day) 170 different breeds are on display with exhibitors coming from 15 different countries.

Later: When I first posted this photo of such a beautiful hound, I thought the breed might be a Sloughi but it wasn't quite right... Thanks so much to Gerben van Rij who tells me he is an Asawakh, an African Sighthound - and a close relative to the Sloughi.

Here's a website to read more but you'll need to understand German.

Thursday, April 8, 2010

Diego and Laura on Port Hercule

Who is the more adorable? Diego, the Chihuahua or his fabulously dressed young owner, Laura? Don't you just adore her outfit.

Diego is 18 months old and despite several photos, we could never get his ears quite right but who cares? I think Laura must like cats as much as dogs - take a look at her T-shirt in the smaller photo. They live in Monaco and are seen here on Port Hercule.

Monday, April 5, 2010

I Got a Jungle

I love my back yard, its nice and quiet and I can sit in the sun and sniff around to see what critters have passed through while I'm inside. Its also a great place to run around. When I start running around inside, my people say "Uba! Let's go OUTSIDE!" Then I run outside and run around the yard as fast as I can and they watch me and laugh.
Unfortunately, it has been raining a lot recently, which means that going outside and spending time in my yard hasn't been very nice. All the rain did something amazing, though. It made the yard into a jungle! Now I am the king of my very own jungle.
I guess the rain isn't so bad if it makes jungles.


Sunday, April 4, 2010

Ava the Landseer

Ava is a Newfoundland, of the type called Landseer, which is always white with black patches. I just love Newfies even tho they drool somewhat! Ava is 4 years old, lives in Monaco and is walking in the gardens near to the circus tent in Fontvieille.

Brandy and 'The Virgin Mother'

Don't you love it when a dachshund looks slightly sideways and shows the white of the eye? (apologies for chopping his toes off!)

This is 3 year old Brandy who lives in Monaco. In the smaller photo you see him walking along the jetty in Fontvieille and if you are wondering what or who is the enormous sculpture in the distance, then click HERE and HERE to find out!