Friday, September 28, 2007

Black and white

These two adorable French bulldogs were waiting to see the vet. Don't you love that they are looking in exactly the same direction and with the same expression in their eyes?

Saturday, September 22, 2007

The White Collar

There's a lot of Jack Russell's about. More of this type - broken coated. This little chap was very perky, sitting alongside his owner in a Menton square. The white plastic collar, put on by his caring owner, is a Scalibor collar - against Leishmaniosis which is rife in this part of France.

Tuesday, September 18, 2007

The 'Doriana' Dog

This perky little wire-haired dachshund is a Very Important Dog and lives in total luxury on a beautiful classic yacht currently moored in the harbour of Monte Carlo . You want to see him aboard his boat - then please click on THIS LINK.

Ol' blue eye

Isn't this the bluest eye you ever saw? Is it real? Could it be a glass eye? I've seen eyes as blue as this in Old English Sheepdogs but I've never seen it before in a Shih-Tzu and apparently it's not acceptable in the breed standard. Perhaps his eye was damaged as this can result in it turning blue - I suspect this is the case here. Owner and dog are taking a rest outside a pharmacy in Menton.